In appreciation of Milan

I just got home from a European trip including 2 days in Milan. I didn't know much of the city beforehand but expected a classy place with grand architecture, stylish locals, and trendy fashion and coffee shops, which of course are all in abundance. What I hadn't anticipated however, was a quiet, relaxing city peppered with brilliant greenery.

Milan is the second most populous Italian city, but it didn't feel at all overbearing; there are dedicated cycle lanes on most of the roads, an extensive tram network, and rental bikes and scooters dotted around everywhere. Even in the centre the traffic seems mild (I learned after leaving of 'Area C' - Milan's inner city congestion zone), with patient drivers and sensible traffic light systems.

Wherever you look you'll find greenery. Many private balconies are swamped by plants - whether residents are engaging in a communal decoration of the already beautiful architecture or maybe individually trying to keep air and noise pollution out of their homes, it was satisfying to see. Countless streets are adorned with shrubs and trees, and I would guess that there has been a concerted effort by local governing bodies to bring more nature into the city. As well was the balcony gardens and street trees, Milan has at least a couple of stunning parks: Giardini Indro Montanelli and Parco Sempione (the gardens of Castello Sforzesco) are both sprawling landscapes with plenty of attractions including lakes, basketball courts, and miniature railways. I found both to be very peaceful despite being in the heart of the city.

I wonder if Milan has gone a bit under the radar - I haven't heard it discussed alongside modernising cities like Paris, Rome, or London. Neverthless, the city's greenery and transport options make it a great place to visit, and probably to live.