About me

I've been working as a software developer in the UK rail industry since 2018 but I have recently developed an interest in GIS and mapping. I am really interested in how geospatial systems are used as a tool in solving so many of the world’s most pressing issues and displaying relevant data in an understandable way to a wide range of people.

Jnction - Software engineer
June 2023 - present
  • Building data pipelines for database of historic and real-time train movements within the UK.
  • Skills: Python, SQL, Redis, Kafka, AWS Redshift
Worldline - Software developer
September 2018 - June 2023
  • Programming for rail information systems at UK stations and accompanying user applications.
  • Skills: JavaScript, PHP, Java, AWS, Cobol, Agile, Mentoring
Computer Science MSc (Distinction) - University of Nottingham
September 2017 - September 2018
  • Thesis: Developing Autonomous Sokoban Solvers using Reinforcement Learning and Eligibility Traces. I wrote four different reinforcement learning agents from scratch to learn to solve the puzzle game Sokoban. This also involved researching machine learning algorithms and writing a literature review. I was awarded a distinction.
  • Other topics studied include relational databases and software engineering management.
Mechanical Engineering Integrated Masters (MEng) (1st Class) - University of Nottingham
September 2013 - July 2017
  • Year 4 inidividual project title: 2 Degree of Freedom Writing Robot demonstrating inverse kinematics.
  • Year 3 group project title: Design and Make of an Electrically Heated Jet Engine Demonstration Unit.
  • Other topics studied include maths, statistics, and programming in MATLAB.
  • QGIS, Python, JavaScript, leaflet.js, SQL, PHP, Bash programming.
  • Other languages studied and used include Java, C, C++.
  • 2022: GIS and spatial analysis 10-week course with the university of Oxford continued education, and using QGIS.